In This Edition:
Tips on “How to Make Money at Conferences”
Ambies Shoutout!
Thank You to the wonderful subscribers of Podcasters Getting Paid
March Office Hours-March 23, 2023 at 6:00 pm MTN (Paid Subscribers)
Monetization Coaching-Special price during Podcast Movement Evolutions
Heading to Podcast Movement Evolutions
It is the Monday before I fly to Las Vegas for Podcast Movement Evolutions. While I absolutely love attending conferences as a content creator in the past 5 years I’ve gotten very strategic about attending conferences.
Why I love Conferences
Great way to rebuild energy around your projects, careers and the space that you’re in.
I really enjoy the content that people present and the opportunity to learn new things.
Having a chance to share your expertise on a panel or as a speaker.
To meet with online communities in person.
As an excuse to visit towns that I’m excited to visit.
To earn money!
My Conference Attendance Strategy
I’m sharing a quick glimpse into my conference attendance strategy as it relates to earning money at an event.
Immediate earnings-You make money literally at the event. You make sales on products that you have prepped and ready to go prior to the event. Or, you win cash (I’ve won cash at events). Other examples below.
Digital Product Sales
Short-term earnings-These are projects or collaborations that you’ve set in motion and will begin working on after you return home and up to 6 -8 weeks after you return. When I attend FinCon (a conference in the personal finance space) that’s when I earn the bulk of my money. In the past that was a lot of freelance writing work in that space. Other examples below.
Product sales
Long-term earnings-Some collaborations may take a longer while to conceptualize and come to fruition. It could be that you have to build relationships for a longer period of time or that the person that you’re looking to work with has to get approvals/consensus or work someone else to get the final “yes” Other projects that fall under long-term earnings:
Subscriber action
Hosting/Creating an event
Remember, a closed mouth doesn’t get fed. People will say one of three things:
It’s not personal. If you don’t ask the answer is always “no”
Also, if you’re attending please say “hi” I really enjoy meeting new people :)
7 Monetization Tips for Conferences (and a Bonus Tip)
You can’t make sales if people don’t know you have products that you’re selling. You better believe that I will be strategically sharing who I am and what I do to the attendees of any conference that I attend.
If you ask questions during a Q & A-Introduce who you are and what you do BRIEFLY. And then ask a really impactful question. I write my questions out so that they’re super clear-before I ask them.
If you make a statement or observation during a Q & A-Introduce who you are and what you do BRIEFLY then make the statement or observation. I write these out before I raise my hand.
I create a savings code for products that I would like to sell during the event. This week I’ve activated the following savings code: PME23 to save $25 on the top 3 tiers of my Podcasters Getting Paid Course ($25 off the tiers listed below) The course covers monetization strategy. The newsletter that you’re reading now just shares ideas on how to monetize.
Be memorable in good ways-Help attendees who are having a hard time at the event. Meet people for coffee, a walk, happy hour or any activity that makes the experience “smaller”
Use social media PRIOR TO THE EVENT-While I’m a little leery about announcing when I’m out of town I do live tweet, etc. I live in a triplex so there are people around when I’m not and my neighborhood has a very SCARY NextDoor community. If you feel nervous about doing this-don’t.
Business Cards-I now use a digital business card. It’s memorable, earth friendly and easy to change when my projects and focus change. Right now I’m pivoting my brand and I was able to edit my card information to reflect those changes in real time. HOWEVER, if you use a digital card make sure to walk through what you would like people to remember about you or they will lose track of your information (just like they lose track of traditional business cards)
Make things easy for people-If you want people to do something such as buy a course, subscribe to your newsletter, listen to your show….make it EASY for them to do.
Don’t share weird urls, etc. that we won’t remember. Create simple branded urls
Don’t give people multiple choices. If you want them to buy your course. Only share how they can do that. Period.
Bonus Tip:
It may take a person or organization longer than what YOU would like to purchase from you. Don’t place unreasonable expectations on yourself, etc. for something to come together. Pitch and sell so often that you don’t get stuck on a prospect that could take 7 months to make a decision.
The Ambies
Congratulations to Maya, host of Proud Stutter who is in the running for Best DIY Podcast. The Ambies are presented by The Podcast Academy.
March Office Hours (Paid Subscribers)
Each month I host office hours for paying subscribers. This is a great time to touch base, ask questions and get feedback and support. This month’s office hours will be hosted on Thursday, March 23, 2023 at 6:00 pm MTN/8:00 pm EST
Podcast Monetization Coaching
I offer podcast monetization strategy coaching. The normal price is $300-however during Podcast Movement Evolutions the price is $250. Book your time and save $50. Sometimes it’s helpful to work with someone else on fleshing out a monetization strategy and what to think about and consider. I offer around 10 hours a month towards podcast monetization coaching. Schedule your time today.
Thank You
I want to share a heartfelt “Thank YOU!” To everyone who has subscribed as free and paying subscribers. It takes a lot of work to do this well and thoughtfully design accessible tools that can help creatives (in this case podcasters) better their craft.
For those of you who have very generously said “yes” to the paying subscription-THANK YOU!
Good Vibes,